
how to mint.

step 1 - access the contract

visit the username-nft smart contract on etherscan and click on the Contract tab:​0xd25401563cbcea21ab622b5751202192fa93426c​0xd254015...93426c

step 2 - connect your wallet

once on the Contract page you will need to push the Write Contract button. this will bring up several options, including the mint functions

if you have multiple wallets or accounts, make sure to connect the wallet you want to hold your username-nft so you don't have to pay gas for transferring it later.

if you've connected your wallet correctly, you should see your address in green like below.

step 3 - mint your username from the smart contract

the final step of the process is to mint your new username-nft. once your wallet is connected you will need to expand the mintName or mintMultipleNames function.

expanding the functions will give you the option to mint. we will now split the rest of the guide between mintName and mintMultipleNames. If you are looking to mint multiple names in one transaction, skip the next section.

mintUsername - mint a single username

insert the mint price in the first box (0.1 ETH) and the name you would like to mint in the second box.

next you are going to click write, however there's a few things we want you to bear in mind. blockchains are wonderful and scary at the same time, especially for new users. so make sure you look out for a few things:

if you see the gas fees are strangely high, or you see an error saying "Transaction Error. Exception thrown in contract code.", you should reject the transaction and double check that you've entered everything correctly and check that the name you're requesting hasn't been minted already.

for this, we have built the "isUsernameAvailable" function which you can use by clicking on the Read Contract button.

once you are 100% sure that everything is correct, click confirm on your transaction.

if your wallet doesn't pop up, click its icon and it may request you to login again.